How to check if Internet Explorer is smaller than version 10?


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I need to do a browser check to know if it is Internet Explorer and if it is smaller than version 10.

How to do?

PS: My idea is to tell the user if you are using a version less than 10 that downloads a more current browser.

  • Usually this is not a good idea, it is better to check if a specific functionality is available than to check which browser. Of course there are always exceptions, but I don’t know what would be the case here.

  • If you really want to arrive check if in the user agent string the last number is less than 6.0 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)

2 answers


Internet Explorer is owned by document that gives it. It’s the documentMode.

Test this code:

alert(document.documentMode); // dá o numero da versão do IE

However, and as the bfavaretto referred to it is best to rely on "Feature Detection", detect functionalities, as this is more reliable.

A good example was when version 11 of IE came out they decided to change the UA string and everyone had problems with it.

Here is an interesting link with more alternatives:

If you want to detect within HTML (without Javascript) you can use code comments that only IE detects. For example:

<!--[if lte IE 7]><script>
    ie = 7;

lte means IE<=7, only lt means IE<7


Another way is to check the existence of some objects and combine some checks.

The following table contains the ready-to-use conditions.

Versões do IE   Verificar condição
10+             document.all 
9+              document.all &&! ​​Window.atob 
8+              document.all &&! ​​Document.addEventListener 
7+              document.all &&! ​​Document.querySelector 
6+              document.all &&! ​​Window.XMLHttpRequest 
5.x             document.all &&! ​​Document.compatMode

In the following example the condition is true if the browser is IE11+ or not.

if (!document.all) {
    alert('Voce utiliza o IE11+ ou um outro navegador');


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