Login com instagram em app Android


Viewed 142 times


I have a beginner’s doubt that this is causing me a certain inconvenience. How to log in with an Instagram account and pick up the list of followers and people I follow?

I’ve seen several video lessons about this but I can not put in practice on android. I have read the documentation of Oauth2.0, the tutorial on Instagram Developers, etc and nothing solved. My doubts are about how to put all this organized in the application. I know the concepts but I cannot use in practice.

Can someone give me a tutorial on this or send me a full example of code to understand how it works in practice? But a basic example, I already found several courses where the person starts with the login and ends up mixing with other subjects that leave me even more confused.

This is just the beginning of my app project but I have no way forward without it. Thank you to anyone who can help. I hug you all.

  • Instagram in the past had an api for this, but now aiming for security login can not be done through third-party apps, of course the site yes, but instagram api to implement in your application as login has no way...

  • Hello Rogers, thank you for your reply. I believe there is a way because we currently have several examples of apps that use this functionality.

  • See the list of possible permissions https://www.instagram.com/developer/authorization/

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