Arrange pagination


Viewed 53 times


I’d like every page to have the results of every game of "X" day. Example: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

On this page only the games of June 6, 2017, but is appearing all the games of the table. OBS*: I am organizing the dates pro format day/month/year at the time of the exhibition.

I’m using this code, but it’s not organizing. The dates are stored like this in the column: year/month/day

$query = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM resultados ORDER BY rodada DESC LIMIT $inicio, $per_pagina");
  • What is the name of the column of the day? would be the "round", it contains only date or time as well?

  • yes, it is the round column it contains only the date in the year/month/day format

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