How to access an object attribute within a stack of Objects


Viewed 393 times


I have several objects of the Vehicle class with board, model and anoFabri as attributes, inside a stack I created ( I need to apply a method in the Stack class, which removes objects from the stack until I find a Vehicle that has the anoFabricated less than 2000.


public class Pilha implements TAD_Pilha {
    private int topo;
    private int MAX;
    private Object memo[];

    public int getTopo() {return topo;}
    public void setTopo(int topo) {this.topo = topo;}
    public int getMAX() {return MAX;}
    public void setMAX(int MAX) {this.MAX = MAX;}
    public Object[] getMemo() {return memo;}
    public void setMemo(Object[] memo) {this.memo = memo;}

    public Pilha(int qtde){
        topo = -1;
        MAX = qtde;
        memo = new Object[MAX];

    public boolean isEmpty(){ return(topo==-1);}
    public boolean isFull(){ return(topo==MAX-1);}

    public Object push(Object x){
        if(!isFull() && x != null){
            memo[++topo] = x;
            return x;
            return null;

    public Object pop(){
            return memo[topo--];
            return null;

    public Object top(){
            return memo[topo];
            return null;

    public String toString(){
            String msg="";
            for(int i=0; i<=topo; i++){
                msg += memo[i].toString();  
                if(i != topo) msg += ", ";
            return ("Pilha = [" + msg + " ]");
            return "Pilha vazia!";


public class Veiculo {
    private String placa;
    private String modelo;
    private int anoFabri;    

    public Veiculo() {

    public Veiculo(String placa, String modelo, int anoFabri) {
        this.placa = placa;
        this.modelo = modelo;
        this.anoFabri = anoFabri;

    public String getPlaca() {
        return placa;

    public void setPlaca(String placa) {
        this.placa = placa;

    public String getModelo() {
        return modelo;

    public void setModelo(String modelo) {
        this.modelo = modelo;

    public int getAnoFabri() {
        return anoFabri;

    public void setAnoFabri(int anoFabri) {
        this.anoFabri = anoFabri;

    public String toString() {
        return placa + " " + modelo + " " + anoFabri; //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
  • 1

    You can add the code of these classes mentioned in the question?

1 answer


You could do something like this:

public void RemoveVeiculosAnoFabriMaior1999() {
    while (topo > 0) {
        Veiculo veiculo = (Veiculo) memo[topo];
        if (veiculo.getAnoFabri() < 2000) break;
        memo[topo--] = null;
  • Just to know (that the question is old), I voted negative because selective stack is a very unusual TAD, I consider a design error.

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