Chartjs with PHP


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Oops, I’m using the Chartjs for graphic generation, I am integrating with PHP to send json to the chart


$arrLabels = array("January","February","March");
$arrDatasets = array('label' => "My First dataset",'fillColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,0.2)", 'strokeColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)", 'pointColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)", 'pointStrokeColor' => "#fff", 'pointHighlightFill' => "#fff", 'pointHighlightStroke' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)", 'data' => array('28', '48', '40'));

$arrReturn = array(array('labels' => $arrLabels, 'datasets' => $arrDatasets));

print (json_encode($arrReturn));


var ctx = document.getElementById("salesChart");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'line',
    data: {

Value of data_retorno

         "label":"My First dataset",

Where data_retorno is the return of the ajax.

The graph that is already loaded with other data, when receiving this result, simply the lines disappear and nothing happens

  • Maybe the data_retorno is not in the format chartjs expects. You can share with us the value of data_retorno?

  • Opa @Lucascosta edited the question adding the value of data_retorno, vlw

  • try data: data_retorno[0] @sNniffer

  • @Lucascosta gave Chart.js error, error:TypeError: can't assign to properties of (new String(" ")): not an object

1 answer


The format of the return data has two details that need to fit the charjs, who are:

  • the property data expects an object instead of an array
  • the property datasets expects an array instead of an object

Assuming your return is this, we can tailor the data_retorno thus:

var data_retorno = [...] // ... indica todo o conteúdo
data_retorno = data_retorno[0]; // pega o objeto dentro do array
data_retorno.datasets = [].concat(data_retorno.datasets); // cria um array como valor


  • I just converted the dataset to @sNniffer array, you can check if it is already an array, if not using the conversion [].concat..

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