What is a database? What is it for?


Viewed 33 times


I’m rehearsing my studies in information systems and I’m curious about the subject!

  • I removed the last question so as not to make the question out of the scope, although I feel that you have already answered here, if you find it, post.

  • What is your specific question about a database? If it is from the beginning, then it becomes very broad, although I think it gives a canonical answer. A starting point

  • But exactly what don’t you understand? I mean I think it’s kind of intuitive, a bench is a place to store things, it has a blood bank, where they store blood, a milk bank where they store milk for children who can’t be breastfed, etc. So the database is where we store data, right? Would you have any specific doubt?

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  • Databases are organized and related sets of information, consisting of columns and rows. Columns are called fields, for example, is everything that will be asked of the user, such as: name, address, phone. The lines are called records, information given by the user, for example: João Paulo, Rua 1, 33227788. To replace the old cards like the dentist, the lessor, etc., the databases appeared, since it was great time to fill and even to locate. Learn more at https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banco_de_dados

  • 1

    If that’s not what you want to know, leave the more specific question to understand the real need.

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