Search field with php and mysql. How not to differentiate special characters?


Viewed 367 times


I’m having a problem with a search field on a php site with Mysql database.

I have a record in the bank as "SIPHON" and when I search as siphon, siphon or SIPAO does not return this record. I wish you wouldn’t differentiate between upper/lower case and special characters.

The table and records are already converted to latin1 and I am using this collation in the query, as you can see in the code below. It’s not even working.

Follows the code:

  $texto = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['texto']);
  $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT DISTINCT as id,    
  produtos.nome as nome,
  produtos.descricao as descricao,
  produtos.tags as tags,
  produtos.url as url,
  ambientes.url as AmbienteUrl,
  categorias.url as CategoriaUrl,
  imagens.arquivo as ImagemArquivo
  FROM produtos
      INNER JOIN prod_amb ON prod_amb.produto_id =
      INNER JOIN ambientes ON = prod_amb.ambiente_id
      INNER JOIN categorias ON = produtos.categoria_id
      INNER JOIN imagens ON imagens.produto_id =
  WHERE (produtos.nome LIKE '%".$texto."%' collate latin1_swedish_ci
  OR produtos.descricao LIKE '%".$texto."%' collate latin1_swedish_ci
  OR produtos.tags LIKE '%".$texto."%' collate latin1_swedish_ci)
  AND produtos.situacao = 1 
  AND imagens.principal = 1

  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     echo $row['nome'];

3 answers


Complementing @Victor Hartur de Carvalho’s reply

a simple function to remove the special characters:

function cleanStr($str)
    return preg_replace("/[^a-zA -Z0-9_.]/", "", strtr($str, "ÁÍÓÚÉÄÏÖÜËÀÌÒÙÈÃÕÂÎÔÛÊáíóúéäïöüëàìòùèãõâîôûêÇç", 


Dude, a solution would be in the query you convert everything to uppercase, or to minuscule, for example:

SELECT * FROM produto WHERE nome = UPPER('nomeProduto')

the UPPER() function transforms the argument passed to uppercase, the LOWER() function transforms into a letter. In your case I think I could do it like this:

...WHERE (produtos.nome LIKE UPPER('%".$texto."%')...

As for the accents (ã, à, á) I only see a form that would be doing a function that removes these accents from the characters, when I move with PHP I didn’t know anything that made it automatic, today it may already exist.


You need to convert the database data and variables into lower case (or upper case), before making the comparison:

WHERE (LOWER(produtos.nome) LIKE LOWER('%".$texto."%') collate latin1_swedish_ci
OR LOWER(produtos.descricao) LIKE LOWER('%".$texto."%') collate latin1_swedish_ci
OR LOWER(produtos.tags) LIKE LOWER('%".$texto."%') collate latin1_swedish_ci)
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