I have this html code:
<input type="radio" name="resultado" value="Y" onclick="habilitaCampo(this.value)">Aprovado
<input type="radio" name="resultado" value="N" onclick="habilitaCampo(this.value)">Recusado<br>
<input type="text" id="data_validade" name="data_validade" size="15" maxlength="10" disabled="disabled" onKeyPress="mascara_data(this,event);"/>
And the javascript function:
function habilitaCampo(valor){
if(valor == "Y"){
document.getElementById("data_validade").disabled = false;
document.getElementById("data_validade").disabled = true;
to enable or disable the field expiration date. But I wanted to pass the id of the field as parameter and be able to use this function in other fields, because I am creating several equal and unnecessary functions, and I can’t pass and receive the value correctly. Can you help me in this matter?
Which field you want to cross?
?– Sergio
And because you do not pass the value once in the function: onclick="enable')"?
– Aline
@Sergio that field right!
– thiagofred
@Aline the idea would be this, but is giving error Uncaught Referenceerror: habilitaCampo is not defined at Htmlinputelement.onclick (helpers.php:86) 86 being the radio input line.
– thiagofred