Use of keys to display javascript


Viewed 95 times


With angular and other frameworks it is necessary to display values or call javascript functions inside keys in the middle of html code.example:


How can I use this without these frameworks.

1 answer


These frameworks compile HTML and insert what is inside {{ }} in HTML. This is done differently from framework to framework.

This can be very complex and from the outset needless to re-invent. Examples of this are as mentioned by Angular but also Pug, Ejs, JSX, etc.

If you have an object and a piece of HTML, the thing could be done so, very simplistically:

var conteudo = {
  nome: 'Maria',
  idade: function() {
    return new Date().getFullYear() - 1978;

function parser(html) {
  var regex = /{{(.+?)}}/g;
  return html.replace(/{{(.+?)}}/g, function(match, cmd) {
    return eval('conteudo.' + cmd.trim());

var p = document.querySelector('p');
p.innerHTML = parser(p.innerHTML, conteudo);
<p>A {{ nome }} tem {{ idade() }} de idade.</p>

The ideas within that code are:

  • find the commands to execute on the object/class with the content
  • create a function that runs eval() within the right context, could be using a .bind() but I simplified it here
  • replace values in HTML

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