I’m in doubt about the priority line heap, with regard to inserting items in that list.
Every heap starts by inserting from the element vetor[1]
? Or you must insert from vetor[0]
? 'Cause I got a heap that inserts into the vetor[1]
, because insert yourself in vetor[0]
, of the problem in time to rise.
public class Heap {
int[] T = new int[100];
int n; //equivalente ao Tam
public void inserir(int chave) {
T[n + 1] = chave; //n + 1?
public void subir(int n) {
int j = n / 2;
if(j >= 1) { //verifica se tem mais de um elemneto no vetor
if(T[n] > T[j]) {
int temp = T[n];
T[n] = T[j];
T[j] = temp;
public void remover() {
if(n != 0) { //se o array nao esta vazio
T[1] = T[n]; //remove o de maior prioridade, recebe o ultimo no da esquerda
T[n] = 0;
descer(1, n);
public void descer(int j, int n) {
int i = 2 * j;
if(i <= n) {
if(i < n) {
if(T[i + 1] > T[i]) {
if(T[j] < T[i]) {
int temp = T[i];
T[i] = T[j];
T[j] = temp;
descer(i, n);
public void imprimir() {
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
Needs the code.
– Jéf Bueno
There’s the code, buddy.
– Carlos Alexandre
Where did this code come from? Did you make it? If not, what is the source?
– Woss
Whoever wrote this code assumed it was worth squandering a position. Not all implementations need to do this
– Jefferson Quesado
Source: http://www.gpec.ucdb.br/pistori/disciplinas/ed/aulas_I/lp.htm
– Carlos Alexandre