Query INNER JOIN apply bind parameter


Viewed 87 times


Original query:

SELECT quantity.order_id, quantity.ISBN, quantity.quantity,orders.customer_id, orders.created, orders.status FROM orders INNER JOIN quantity ON orders.order_id=quantity.order_id"

Query with bind Parameter:

$stmt = $conn->prepare ("SELECT quantity.order_id, quantity.ISBN, quantity.quantity,orders.customer_id, orders.created, orders.status FROM orders INNER JOIN quantity ON orders.order_id=?");
$quantity.order_id = $_POST['quantity.order_id'];//linha 6

With the bind Parameter I am having the following error:Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected '=' on line 6

  • The name of the parameter you receive in the POST seems to be wrong!

  • Variable name is already wrong. Not allowed to have ..

  • how do you suggest I do it? sorry I’m new to PHP

  • Use underline instead of point to name variables!

  • Quantity.order_id is to fetch information the data base is to fetch the order id of the Quantity table!!

  • see the answer I put, you do not put a column of the table Quantity in the JOIN ON clause, see if the way I put works for you

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$stmt = $conn->prepare ("SELECT quantity.order_id, quantity.ISBN, quantity.quantity,orders.customer_id, orders.created, orders.status FROM orders INNER JOIN quantity ON orders.order_id=quantity.order_id and quantity.order_id=?");
$quantity.order_id = $_POST['quantity.order_id'];//linha 6


$stmt = $conn->prepare ("SELECT quantity.order_id, quantity.ISBN, quantity.quantity,orders.customer_id, orders.created, orders.status FROM orders INNER JOIN quantity ON orders.order_id=quantity.order_id Where quantity.order_id=?");
$quantity.order_id = $_POST['quantity.order_id'];//linha 6


$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT quantity.order_id, quantity.ISBN, quantity.quantity,orders.customer_id, orders.created, orders.status FROM orders INNER JOIN quantity ON (orders.order_id=quantity.order_id) WHERE quantity.order_id=:id");


    if($stmt->rowCount() < 1)
        echo "Nenhum resultado encontado.";
    echo "erro";

This variable $_POST['Quantity.order_id'] is correct? It comes from some form?

Try changing to a name without punctuation, for example:


in HTML should be:

<input name="quantity_order_id" />

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