Problem opening Ireports sub-report on another terminal


Viewed 146 times


I created a report that searches for information in a sub-report to show all information.

But when running on the development machine it appears without any problem either in the IDE or by running the generated JAR later.

But when running the JAR on another computer the same does not load. Accusing that the sub-report was not found.

I found in some forums solutions how to change the path of the search of the sub but did not succeed.

1 answer


I identified that the parameter of the report that searched the sub-report informed the file path on my computer as in another terminal it will change the name and path the sub was not found.

In case the system is always installed in a directory equal for everyone I inserted the sub-report in a location I know that in all computers will exist and I changed the configuration of the main report to search in this specific field.

The place where I changed the path is in Property of the sub-report -> Subreport Expression -> in this field I indicated the absolute path.

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