Comparing data returned from BD


Viewed 90 times


I have a problem which is this::

When reading the data from a given Firebase node, I get an undetermined String number. The name of each String, is the ID of the User. When returning this data, save them in a ArrayList, to compare whether Uid X is on the list like this: arrayList.contains("Uid X").

However, the return I have is a true or a false for each of the Strings. How to make return only a true, or a false after checking every list?

  • At first it would just move all the code into one if, No? I suggest you post snippets of your code - blindly makes it harder for staff to respond!

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1 answer


Just use one cycle:

boolean estaNaLista = false;
for(int i=0; i < arrayList.size();i++)
  if(arrayList.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("Uid X"))
    estaNaLista = true;
//A este ponto o estaNaLista tera o valor que voce pretende.

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