Updating data from a div?


Viewed 470 times


How do I update an element’s information div with jQuery without necessarily reloading the page?

Ex.: Send a post of a insert and the information provided by insert appear right on the div pulling from the bench.

2 answers


Use the function $.post jquery:

$("#form").submit(function() { // QUANDO ENVIAR O FORM
    var login = $("#login").val(); // VALOR DO LOGIN
    var senha = $("#senha").val(); // VALOR DO INPUT SENHA
        $.post('logar.php', { // FUNÇÃO POST, LOGAR.PHP FAZ A INSERÇÃO NO MYSQL             
            login: login,
            senha: senha
        }, function(resposta) {
            $("#divresposta").html(resposta); // RESPOSTA
        }, 'html');
        return false;
  • You are giving an error on the line: $("#form"). Submit(Function() { // WHEN TO SUBMIT FORM var login = $("#login"). val(); // LOGIN VALUE var password = $("#password"). val(); // INPUT VALUE PASSWORD $.post('log in.php', { // POST FUNCTION, LOG in.PHP INSERTS INTO MYSQL login: login, password: password }, Function(reply) { $("#divreply"). html(reply); // REPLY } }, 'html'); //<<<<<<<<<<<< ERROR HERE Return false; });

  • corrected!!! thank you!!!


Basically study the function $.ajax:

  type: "POST",
  url: url,
  data: data,
  success: success,
  dataType: dataType

Source: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.post/

You can do the following (I haven’t tested, but that’s basically it):

$.ajax( {
    url: "insert_func.php",
    type: "post",
    data: { name: "bruce", age: 23 }, // dados que serão processados
    success: function(response) {

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