Error while uploading site in WORDPRESS


Viewed 35 times


I developed a site in WORDPRESS and on my local server is working properly. When subbing it, I made all the necessary settings (change base URL in bd, configure wp-admin), only specifically one page is not fully loading. In certain part of the code the application stops running. Specifically on this page I am using the Metabox plugin. Someone had some problem like this?

  • In the logs is presented some error?

  • Try to print the error that is happening by activating debug mode. Add the code below in your wp-config.php: define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); Paste the code before the line it contains: /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Paste the error message here so we can help you.

  • Thanks @Leonelcostabraz. By activating DEBUG I was able to find the error.

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