Certificate error when sending an email


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Hello, yesterday when sending an email by my site and my client created by wordpress, I came across an error sending the email:

Warning:  stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`*.locaweb.com.br' did not match expected CN=`smtp.toldosmaranata.com.br' in /home/storage/2/f3/41/toldosmaranata/public_html/wp-includes/class-smtp.php on line 367

I did some research but could not identify how to solve this problem that is in the class of smtp in line 367 that I will insert here also to facilitate:

365        if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto(
366            $this->smtp_conn,
367            true,
368            $crypto_method
369        )) {
370            return false;
371        }
372        return true;
373    }

I thank you from the outset who make available to help, grateful!

  • 1

    Is it the same issue as that link? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30371910/phpmailer-generates-php-warning-stream-socket-enable-crypto-peer-certificate

  • Checking what reported until I could understand about the code made available to put inside the file class-smtp.. but I don’t know where I can put it in there. Can you tell me?

  • 2

    Actually it is not in the file class.smtp.php, but rather where you instantiate the class Phpmailer, example: $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->Smtpoptions = array( ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true ) );

  • Right but in this case, I use the plugin contact form 7 wordpress. The error is coming from the class-smtp.php file and I don’t prompt the phpmailer class elsewhere.. what I would have to do?

  • 2

    Please backup the class.phpmailer.php file, and then change on line 275 public $SMTPOptions = array() for public $SMTPOptions = array('ssl'=>
 'verify_peer_name' => false, 
 'allow_self_signed' => true ) 

  • OPA! Sensational, the error has been corrected and the email is being sent! thank you very much Everson.

  • While the @Everson solution works, keep in mind that doing this will turn off the checking of cerificates which is generally totally unsafe.

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1 answer


In the class.phpmailer.php file on line 275 change from:

public $SMTPOptions = array();

for public

$SMTPOptions = array('ssl'=> array('verify_peer'=>false,
                                   'verify_peer_name' => false, 
                                   'allow_self_signed' => true ) );

This will disable the verification of the ssl certificate. Only do this if you are sure that the server on which you are sending your emails is safe.

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