Automatic Logon in SAP Bexanalyzer by Vbaproject


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In excel I have a supplement that gives access to the BI system, to access / stratify data in a query already specified / structured. In my Vbaproject I am referencing the Add-in to call some specific functions of this Add-in in an Auto_open, IE, initialize now when opening the spreadsheet.

In the research I did, the closest I got was the following script:

Sub LogonToBEx2()
Application.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityLow

End Sub
Function logonToBW3() As Boolean

logonToBW3 = False

On Error Resume Next

Dim myConnection As Object
Set myConnection = Run("BExAnalyzer.XLA!SAPBEXgetConnection")

With myConnection
 .client = "800"
 .user = "usuario"
 .Password = "senha"
 .Language = PT
 .systemnumber = 1
 .system = "B1P"
 .systemid = ""
 .ApplicationServer = "B1PGroup"
 .SAProuter = ""
 .LogOn 0, True
 If .IsConnected <> 1 Then
 .LogOn 0, False
 If .IsConnected <> 1 Then
 MsgBox "something went wrong with LogOn"
 Exit Function
 End If
 End If
End With
End Function

Login window prompts the user:

Mandate: User: Password: Language:

The window already comes with the data I called in the script, but the logon does not run automatically, and even giving OK, the following error is presented:

SAP_CMINIT# : rc=20 > Connect to SAP gatway failed

Besides the above mentioned error, calling the Logon function is not enough. I need, somehow, to structure the script to feed the information of the variants and follow with OK.

1 answer


Good afternoon. From what I understand of the function call you can pass only the parameters referring to what you need for the login. Ex.:

dim myUser as String

myUser = "Usuário"

Call LogOn(iUser:= myUser)

Makes sense to you?

  • makes sense Edu, I haven’t tested yet but I will return soon.

  • I went deeper into the Edu survey, and the closest I got was the post update I just did. but of qqr way, test the call logon, but it just does not possess in this function Logon the argument for iPassword.

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