I’ll answer the part that gives, which is what we do here, opinions serve no purpose but to unduly influence who is naive. Listing a lot of places to learn won’t help. But you can see this c#.
C# is a language like any other. It has virtues and defects like all others. It allows to perform virtually any application, except for some specific technical requirements. Of course, not all of them is the best solution.
She spins where she has one CLR.
It did not run on a navigator, but now runs with the advent of Webassembly (has a form of translation too, but still not good). It runs on the server side generating what is necessary for the client.
The only database it runs directly into is the SQL Server. It just doesn’t work on others because no one has done an implementation. Note that I am not talking about communicating with other banks, have libraries for it to communicate with everyone who matters.
It runs on the three desktop platforms that are actually used and on three two major mobile platforms. In addition to running on other few used systems. Still runs on embedded devices and Iot, such as Tvs, and drones, even though this is still early. If it doesn’t run somewhere it’s a matter of someone doing an implementation.
You can make operating systems and drivers with some adaptation, but not ideal.
If you want to make an application real team, it will bring difficulties, even if it does, but real team even (hard) any language suffers.
C# is not the most optimized language in the world, but is far from slow, on the contrary, it approaches C/C++ in many operations.
She doesn’t have the best statistical tools available, but breaks a branch above average.
The code scales well and has libraries virtually for everything you might need that matters. What doesn’t exist is easy to make a Binding.
It keeps memory security, types, etc. as close as possible.
It is relatively easy to write and maintain codes, powerful and flexible, but does not meet extreme and very specific niche needs well.
Anyway, can make commercial applications, scientific, games, it is of general purpose.
In fact almost all of this can be said of various languages.
Many people speak too well, many speak too badly. For the most part they are opinions without basis in both cases. Those who have basis can be biased. If you want to choose well learn deeply all the fundamental concepts of computing to make the right decision. If you want to depend on random people on the Internet you have to see in C# because it doesn’t have big problems that make it impossible to use and it seems that is what you want, this is important to help in the decision.
If you have more specific questions we can help you more.
There are some things that can help, but it’s the tip of the beak iceberg:
Look for basic courses in C# and . NET Core. You can create Web Applications using html, css, javascript as front end. To create applications for Windows, mobile applications etc. Start from the very basic courses you find. Take the Caelum school booklet on their website (search Google). Well summed up, it’s worth it. Just go after it and do a lot of research.
– Fabri Damazio
ook, thank you. Another question is . NET?
– user76404
C# is a hell of a language. It can be used on the web as ASP NET MVC, then you can use it with HTML/JS. C# is also used for desktop applications and the best today can be used for development MOBILE with Xamarin. It is a good language to learn MVC, OO, among others.
– brunoelyg
Did any of the answers solve your question? Do you think you can accept one of them? Check out the [tour] how to do this, if you haven’t already. You would help the community by identifying what was the best solution for you. You can accept only one of them. But you can vote on any question or answer you find useful on the entire site (when you have enough score).
– Maniero