Problems deleting mysql database


Viewed 44 times


Good morning people, I am creating a function to delete in the bank, but when I click the button it does not work, I would like some suggestion.

php requests.

   $sqlCat = "SELECT cliente_id,cliente_nome,cliente_email,cliente_telefone,cliente_bairro,cliente_rua,cliente_complemento FROM cliente"; $tbCat = mysql_query($sqlCat) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($tbCat) > 0){ while($rsCat = mysql_fetch_array($tbCat)){

  <td>aaaaaaa </td>
  <td> 3 </td>
    <?php echo $rsCat['cliente_nome'];?>
    <?php echo $rsCat['cliente_email'];?>
    <?php echo $rsCat['cliente_telefone'];?>
    <?php echo $rsCat['cliente_bairro'];?>
    <?php echo $rsCat['cliente_rua'];?>
    <?php echo $rsCat['cliente_complemento'];?>

  <td class="td-actions"><a href="#" class="btn btn-small btn-success"><i class="btn-icon-only icon-edit"> </i></a>
    <a href="href=Pedidos_delete.php?deleta=<?php echo $rscat['cliente_id'];?>" title="Excluir"><img src="img/admin/icons/cross.png" alt="Excluir" /></a>

  echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">
 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">x</button>
 <label><strong>ERRO!</strong> sem cadastro.</label>




Pedidos_delete.php (where I call the file to delete)


$sql = "DELETE  FROM cliente WHERE cliente_id={ $_GET['idrecado]}";
$apagar = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());

echo "<meta HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' CONTENT='0;URL=pedidos.php'>";
  • It’s not about the question, but I advise you to use mysqli or PDO, the mysql extension has long since been abandoned. Regarding the question, have you tried to change the $_GET['idrecado'] for $_GET['deleta']?

1 answer


Change the GET to $_GET['deleta'], this way you’ll be picking up the value as you go.

href="href=Pedidos_delete.php?deleta=<?php echo $rscat['cliente_id'];?>" 

Also, note the code above, I think it’s wrong...

href="Pedidos_delete.php?deleta=<?php echo $rscat['cliente_id'];?>"

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