Santander Boleto Registered via XML


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I’m trying to migrate the system to the registered tickets of Santander. I finally got today to send me the manual 2017.

1 - When I try to access the link to generate ticket it warns "403 Forbidden"

2 - Is it a SOAP request? In the manual always talk about 'XML', I saw that it seems to be a SOAP request, but where is the WSDL?

3 - Any idea how to sign with such a client certificate on a Linux / PHP?

  • hello. about the certificate, Luis Antonio talked about Personalsign 2 Pro ...but why can’t you choose Personalsign 1 or Personalsign 2 if they are cheaper? thanks since ja

  • Where did you get the santander manual?

1 answer


Nauro, the Santander bank service, only accepts Soap, does not work with https request, even using certificate. Using Linux, I tried with ruby(Savon) and python(Zeep), I only had success with nodejs, I got the client service to authenticate using the certificate and passing the password. Does not serve certificate without an AC, certifying authority. I acquired the certificate by Globalsign, type (Personalsign 2 Pro),, $89,00. After the purchase process is finished, you will receive a pfx file, from it you will be able to extract your certificate and your key by attaching them to your service. When you have the certificate in hand, you can access and return to operations. The choice of plan Personalsign 2 Pro is because it certifies the existence of the organization/company, this was requested by Santander.

  • @Luiz I did all this procedure you did, I’m using php to do the integration, when I request my client using __getFunctions() it returns me this error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn’t load from : failed to load External Entity has experienced this or knows how to resolve it?

  • Luiz qual lib Voce used to make the SOAP flames with Nodejs? I’m trying with Node SOAP but I’m getting error { TicketResponse: { message: 'Error: java.lang.NullPointerException', retCode: -1 } } Any hint?

  • I used this module, This error occurred when the data structure sent in the request did not agree with what is requested by the Santander service.

  • 1

    Someone knows an opensource solution (preferably in php, but it could be another language that runs on linux) to register the boleto online with Santander?

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