router.php on the internal server does not work properly


Viewed 150 times


I created a router.php file in the published root of my project, this file was made as guidance in the PHP documentation for the built-in server. It works as a native change to . htaccess which is not supported by the built-in server.


if (preg_match('/\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|js|css|)$/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
    return false;
} else {
    include __DIR__ . '/index.php';

When I use the remote:

php -S public/router.php

to start my server, it does not load CSS and Avascripts showing error:

Not Found

The requested Resource /Assets/css/bootstrap.min.css was not found on this server.

Someone has been through a similar situation?

I’m using php7.1 on Windows but I’ve already tested version 5.6 and the same thing happens.

1 answer


First you should run the server inside the public folder avoiding using the public/router.php:

cd public
php -S router.php

Or start with an alternative root Document:

php -S -t public/ public/router.php

Also, when the server is started on a different port this error can happen if the Urls present on the page are absolute and do not include the port in the requested resource address. For example:

instead of:
  • Yes, I know that, but the file reference URL is with the port: <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> And the error even happens by calling the complete file path (which is there)

  • I updated the answer, tested it here and it seems to be related to the server startup directory.

  • I tried to do that too. It didn’t help

  • It worked. making the command inside the public folder pointing to a hoarse.php file in this directory worked. The only bad thing is that I didn’t want to leave this file in the public folder, but no problem. Thank you!!!

  • Great, you can start the server with a different root directory type: php -S localhost:8888 -t public/ public/route.php

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