I’m taking a risk in PHP and making a simple administrative panel, without framework, to manage registered users, how can I load pages in the admin without reloading the side menu and the navbar bar, same as G+?
Note: It does not need to have the effect, only the loading of the contents.
I don’t want to use frameworks, I want to try to do with pure liguagens. Thank you for your attention.
– Marcello Infoweb
True, I didn’t fully understand this in the statement. Even if you don’t want to use frameworks, will you use jQuery? You can do something similar with AJAX: instead of redirecting to another page, you get the content from this one with Javascript and display it in some element of the current page.
– Woss
@Andersoncarloswoss, at least jQuery I will use and I just did.
// Loader das páginas internas
 $(document).ready(function ()
 $('a.ajaxMenu').click(function (e)
Thank you!– Marcello Infoweb