PHP does not display accept UTF-8 character input (accented characters) in interactive mode (REPL)


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I’m trying to make use of the command line to make a small change to the server, namely I’m using PHP in the command line in interactive mode, but I noticed that PHP is not accepting accented characters.

In local environment, it works normally, but when soon on the Amazon server, simply PHP on the command line does not accept accented letters!

I already took the test using Boris, Psysh and the command itself php -a. All of these run PHP in interactive mode (REPL), but do not accept in any way I type accented characters. When I type, or even try to paste, they just don’t show up!

Does anyone know what can make it happen?

  • What version of PHP on the Amazon server? Different from the version installed on your machine?

  • @Daniel the version is PHP (cli)

  • so... I guess you’ve already found the problem, huh? "deprecated dontuse" is, literally, "don’t use that version".

  • 1

    @Daniel this is not the problem, kkkk. This happened there because of the PPA exchange, they are completely different problems. When I installed PHP at the time, it was not depreciated :)

  • So I just asked why sometimes it’s just a version problem. If they’re the same in both, it’s not that. But I believe the problem will be in some config there on the same server.

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