Generate file . Ret Boleto


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I searched the internet and saw that the file .Ret serves to see if the billet has been paid.

I’ve managed to open this file .Ret with the PHP with some examples on the Internet, how do I PHP manages that file .Ret when the billet is generated, in order to check later if it was paid?

I’m using the Santander ticket (if this is relevant)

  • I was able to help you? :)

  • It helped me yes friend, I wanted to see a way for the site to get these files . Automatic Ret without having to be accessing the site of Santander. Is there any way? Because how Pagseguro does for example to know if the ticket has been paid? It should be automatic that

  • Unfortunately this is only possible through VAN’s (contracted outsourced services)

1 answer


If you want to understand a little more about the files . RET of a glance here.

Basically, the return files from the banks 'Are not generated', they are returns!

The responsible for providing this data are the banks, in your case the Santander and should be extracted from your bank’s website(the first link demonstrates how to extract the file and the second a little of the use)

What your application should do is: Read the database returns files.

With this it is possible to know if the affines have been paid or are invalid(Followed by the codes that point out the reasons for this, so that they can be properly corrected)

  1. Access the Website of your bank

  2. Click File Transfer" and then on the Return option, click "Query".

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  1. If the screen below appears, select "Simple Transfer" and then "Customize"

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  1. Enter start date, end date and then click on the "Submit" button.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  1. Just Save to your computer.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The Footsteps were taken from the following page and contains 7 steps, but the last 2 can be ignored because they are system specific.

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