How to paginate a Javascript filter in Laravel 5.4?


Viewed 234 times


I created a search filter for a table, in it I have Description, Model, Status, among other 'inputs' to search. But after the search is done, the paging does not follow the result. Follow the code below:



{{-- Page title --}}
    Comércio Urbano - Produtos

{{-- page level styles --}}

    <link href="{{ asset('assets/css/bootstrap-select.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">


{{-- Conteúdo da página --}}

 <section class="content-header">
        <!--section starts-->
        <ul class="breadcrumb">
                <a href="{{ route('admin.dashboard') }}">
                    <i class="livicon" data-name="home" data-size="14" data-loop="true"></i>
                <a href="#">Produtos</a>
            <li class="active">Listagem de produtos</li>
         <table class="table">
                    <label for="descriptionProd">Descrição</label>
                    <input class="form-control" type="text" name="descricao" id="descricao" value="{{ session('descricao') }}">
                     <label for="modelProd">SKU</label>
                     <input class="form-control" id="model" name="model" value="{{session('model')}}" >
                     <label for="statusProd">Status</label>
                     <select class="form-control" name="status" id="status">
                         <option value="" @if(session('status') === "") selected  @endif >Todos</option>
                         <option value="1" @if(session('status') === "1") selected @endif > Ativo </option>
                         <option value="0" @if(session('status') === "0") selected @endif >Inativo</option>
                     <label for="stockProd">Estoque</label>
                     <select class="form-control"  name="stock" id="stock">
                         <option value="" @if(session('stock') === "") selected  @endif >Todos</option>
                         <option value="1" @if(session('stock') === "1") selected @endif >Disponível </option>
                         <option value="0" @if(session('stock') === "0") selected @endif >Indisponível</option>
                     <label for="distributorProd"> Distribuidor </label>
                    <select class="form-control" name="distributor" id="distributor">
                     <option selected> Todos </option>
                     @foreach(App\Helpers\ProductDistributorHelper::$distributor as $key => $value)
                     <option value="{{$key}}">{{$value}}</option>
                     <label for="imagemProd">Imagem</label>
                     <select class="form-control" name="imagem" id="imagem">
                         <option> Sem Imagem</option>
         <button class="btn btn-primary" id="clean-form-button" style="float:right; margin-bottom: 1%;" ><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-erase"></i> Limpar </button>
     <!-- inclui a tabela dos produtos -->
     <div id="product-table">


{{-- page level scripts --}}
    <script src="{{ asset('assets/js/ProductSearch.js') }}"></script>
    <script src="{{ asset('assets/js/bootstrap-select.js') }}"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('assets/vendors/dropzone/js/dropzone.js') }}" ></script>
    <script src="{{ asset('assets/js/ProductSearch.js') }}"></script>
        var postSearch = '{{ route('product::searchPost') }}';
        var searchRequest = {
            'model': '{{ session('model') }}',
            'distributor': '{{ session('distributor') }}',
            'status': '{{ session('status') }}',
            'stock' : '{{ session('stock') }}',
            'image' : '{{ session('image') }}',
            'categoria' :'{{session('categoria')}}',



$(document).ready(function() {

    $(document).on('blur', '#model', function() {
        var model = $('#model').val();
        searchRequest['model'] = model;

    $(document).on('blur', '#descricao', function() {
        var descricao = $('#descricao').val();
        searchRequest['descricao'] = descricao;

    $(document).on('blur', '#status', function() {
        var status = $('#status').val();
        searchRequest['status'] = status;

    $(document).on('blur', '#distributor', function() {
        var distributor = $('#distributor').val();
        searchRequest['distributor'] = distributor;

    $(document).on('blur', '#stock', function() {
        var stock = $('#stock').val();
        searchRequest['stock'] = stock;

    $(document).on('blur', '#image', function() {
        var image = $('#image').val();
        searchRequest['image'] = image;

    $(document).on('blur', '#categoria', function(){
       var categoria = $('#categoria').val();
       searchRequest['categoria'] = categoria;


$(document).on('click', '#clean-form-button', function() {
    searchRequest = {
        'descricao': '',
        'model': '',
        'distributor': '',
        'status': '',
        'stock': '',
        'image': '',

function IsEmpty(str)
    if ( typeof str == 'undefined' || !str || str.length === 0 || str === "" || !/[^\s]/.test(str) || /^\s*$/.test(str) || str.replace(/\s/g, "") === "" )
        return true;
        return false;

function doSearch() {
    $.post(postSearch, {
        'search_data': JSON.stringify(searchRequest),
        '_token': $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
    , function(data) {

$("#model").html('<img src="" alt="Wait" />');
$('#message').load('index.php?pg=ProductSearch', null, function() {
$body = $("body");

    ajaxStart: function() { $body.addClass("loading");    },
     ajaxStop: function() { $body.removeClass("loading"); }


<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}" />
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered" id="tableProd" class="table table-bordered" style="margin-top: 3%;">
        <th id="acoes">Ações</th>
    @foreach($product as $prod)
            <td><img src="{{$prod->image->erp_image}}" style="width: 50px; height: 50px;" alt="" id="ProdImage"></td>
            <td>R$ {{$prod->erp_cost}}</td>
            <td>R$ {{$prod->erp_price}}</td>
            <td>{{ $prod->erp_modifieddate}}</td>
            <td style="max-width: 45px">
                @if($prod->erp_status == 1)
                    <span class="label label-success">Ativo</span>
                    <span class="label label-danger">Inativo</span>
            <td>{{ $prod->erp_quantity}}</td>
            <td>{{ App\Helpers\ProductDistributorHelper::$distributor[$prod->erp_distributor] }}</td>
                @foreach($prod->category as $category)

                                    <script type="text/javascript">
                                        function form_submit() {

                                    <div class="modal-footer">
                                        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onClick="window.location.reload()"> Salvar Alterações</button>

                        max-width: 100px;
                        min-width: 80px;



public function search(Request $request)
    {    $product = Product::query();
         $categories = Category::query();

//        $model = $request->model;
//        $status = $request->status;
//        $distributor = $request->distributor;

        if ($request->isMethod('post'))
            $data = json_decode($request->search_data);

            $descricao = $data->descricao;
            $model = $data->model;
            $status = $data->status;
            $distributor = $data->distributor;
            $stock = $data->stock;
            $categoria = $data->categoria;
            $image = $data->image;

            session(['descricao' => $descricao]);
            session(['model' => $model]);
            session(['status' => $status]);
            session(['distributor' => $distributor]);
            session(['stock' => $stock]);
            session(['categoria' => $categoria]);
            session(['image' => $image]);

        if (strlen(session('descricao')) > 0)
            $product_ids = Description::where('erp_name', 'LIKE', '%' . session('descricao') . '%')->get();
            $ids = [];

            foreach ($product_ids as $product_data)
                $ids[] = $product_data->erp_productid;

            $product = $product->whereIn('erp_productid', $ids);

        if (strlen(session('model')) > 0)
            $product = $product->where('erp_model', 'LIKE', '%' . session('model') . '%');

        if (strlen(session('status')) > 0)
            $product = $product->where('erp_status', session('status'));

        if (strlen(session('distributor')) > 0)
            $product = $product->where('erp_distributor', session('distributor'));
        if (strlen(session('stock')) > 0)
            if (intval(session('stock')) == 1)
                $product = $product->where('erp_quantity', '>', 0);
            } else
                $product = $product->where('erp_quantity', '=', 0);

        if (strlen(session('categoria')) > 0)
            $product_ids = DB::table('erp_product')
                ->join('erp_product_category', 'erp_product_category.erp_productid', '=', 'erp_product.erp_productid')
            $ids = [];

            foreach ($product_ids as $product_data)
                $ids[] = $product_data->erp_productid;

            $product = $product->whereIn('erp_categoryid', $ids);

        if (strlen(session('image')) > 0)
            $URL_IMAGE = "";

            if (intval(session('image')) == 0)
                $product_ids = Image::where('erp_image', '=', $URL_IMAGE)->get();
                $ids = [];

                foreach ($product_ids as $product_data)
                    $ids[] = $product_data->erp_productid;

                $product = $product->whereIn('erp_productid', $ids);

        $content = $product->paginate(30);
        $cat = Category::all();

        if ($request->isMethod('post'))
            return view('admin.product-table')->with('product', $content)->with('categories', $categories)->with('cat',$cat);
        } else
            return redirect('admin/product')->with('product', $content)->with('categories', $categories)->with('cat',$cat);

Any suggestions?

  • You can make your Controller?

  • I posted @Virgilionovic

  • It does not generate paging correctly?

  • This link can help you

  • This is another example:

  • 1

    @Virgilionovic, I found my error, was in 'Return redirect' the correct was 'Return view'. Thanks!

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