Save multiple images in a php loop


Viewed 195 times


People I have the code below in Laravel that saves a single image and works correctly. But I would like to save multiple images that come from an input that is named:"name[]" Multiple. I think I would need a go but I couldn’t make it work.

public function store(Request $request)
    $input = $request->all();
    $modality = new Modality($input);

    $image = $request->image; //Array de imagens

    $imageName = $image->getClientOriginalName();
    $image = new Image();
    $image->name = $imageName;
    $image->imageable_id = $modality->id;
    $image->imageable_type = Modality::class;
    $path = $request->file('image')->storeAs('public', $imageName);
    return redirect()->action('ModalityController@index');

1 answer


The initial logic is using foreach to scan all items from the image list as shown below:

public function store(Request $request)
    $input = $request->all();
    $modality = new Modality($input);

    //Declarado com o nome da variável $images  
    $images = $request->image; //Array de imagens

    ///////// FOREACH da lista de imagens.
    foreach($images as $im)
        $image = new Image();
        $image->name = $im->getClientOriginalName();
        $image->imageable_id = $modality->id;
        $image->imageable_type = Modality::class;
        $path = $im->storeAs('public', $im->getClientOriginalName());
    return redirect()->action('ModalityController@index');

  • In your code is giving error in $file.

  • I changed it to: $path = $value->storeAs('public', $value->getClientOriginalName()); and it worked.

  • @Marcelo is $im actually it was a typo.!

  • 1

    Right. It worked, thank you.

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