Table does not display name relative to PHP Foreign Key Table


Viewed 319 times


I need to make a query in the table and return to Date in first column, Name (FK) in the second column, and other FK-dependent data in their respective columns. I have tried the various forms of INNER JOIN and I can’t show in the table the patient’s name, only his code. Someone would give me a hint, or what I have to change in the code?

My tables are:

Table.......|| Field
Schedule.... || Date, Time, Cod_patient, Missed
Patients...|| Code, Name, Telephone, Cod_convenio, telephone, mobile

Linked by

agenda:....... Cod_patient
Patients: ... Code

I can already assemble the table with all the schedules but I can’t display the patient’s name inside the relative column. I’ve tried the while in several ways.

Here is the code:


// Escolhendo apenas a data atual.  
$query = "select * from agenda WHERE Data BETWEEN ('$date') AND ('$date');";  
$resultado = mysql_query($query,$conexao) or die(mysql_error());  

//Fazendo o join na tabela pacientes  
$query2 = "SELECT
           FROM pacientes p 
           JOIN agenda a ON a.codigo_paciente = p.codigo 
           ORDER BY data,hora";

$resultado2=mysql_query($query2,$conexao) or die(mysql_error());  

// montar a tabela   

    print "<table border='3' ALIGN='center'><FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='10' COLOR='black'>";  

print "<tr colspan='10' rowspan='10'><td id='celula0'>Hora</td><td id='celula1'>Paciente</td><td id='celula2'>Presente?</td><td id='celula3'>P.Saude</td><td id='celula4'>Tel</td><td id='celula2'>Histórico</td></tr>";  

while ($info2=mysql_fetch_array($resultado2))
    while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($resultado))  
        print "<tr colspan='10' rowspan='10'><td id='celula0'>$info[hora]</td> <td id='celula1'>$info2[nome]</td><td id='celula2'>$info[faltou]</td><td id='celula3'>$info[codigo_paciente]</td><td id='celula4'>$info[codigo_paciente]</td><td id='celula4'>$info[codigo_paciente]</td></tr>";  
    print "</table>";  

print da tela

  • The code you posted has joins? To make one you need to know the columns and tables of the database involved.

  • As @Juven_v mentioned, you need to cite the fields from the table(s) (s) for us to elaborate a response. In the code above, JOIN is commented, but will probably use it if there are other tables (this is what I imagine happens).

  • @Thiagobarros then I already made the Join and tested in mysql, my difficulty is how I will put it inside php to display the name in the right column.

  • @Cleudineywork You don’t use the "name" column in any other table that is doing Join?

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