Adding up hierarchy points


Viewed 63 times


My goal is to create a multi-level marketing system, with two teams.

Left Team and Right Team

Como funciona?

I’m having trouble keeping score.

My table looks like this: id_user | sponsor | leg( 0 left , 1 right) | points

Remembering that the network has no limit and that the sum of points on the left for example includes all points of the respective downlines.

I need help to make that score.

1 answer


To Add use the SQL function SUM(), but to use it you need to group your record with GROUP BY passing all fields you want to search, do not use c.*, just take the fields that are really needed for your application.


 SELECT c.id_usaurio,
       sum(c.pontos) AS TotalPontos
FROM cic_ciclone_users p
INNER JOIN cic_ciclone_users c ON c.patrocinador = p.id_user
GROUP BY C.id_usuario,
  • Thank you so much! Just one more question, as I do to see the points of a particular user.

  • Just pass the code on your search SELECT PONTOS FROM cic_ciclone_user WHERE id_user = 1 where 1 is the id you want to search for. .

  • My first time in Stack, I’m sorry, for example, the user with id_user =1 , he is the sponsor of 2 and 3 , 2 is in leg 0 = left and 3 in leg 1 = right. My goal is to calculate the sum of points of the team left and right of the user... It’s a bit complex I admit, I hope you understand, your help is being excellent!

  • I could not understand, try to put in your question initial pictures of the table structure or some creation script

  • see if it’s a little clearer, I’m providing images of the table.

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