Invalid value: For input string:


Viewed 79 times


Error while updating, the value of the field must be the FK code referring to a foreign key, in the form INPUT comes out the value, no value="${termoAberturaProject.projectionicio}" must be modified something?

Project code *

                            <input id="projetoinicio" name="projetoinicio"
                                style="height: 30px; width: 300px"
                                Placeholder="" maxlength="150"
                                value="${termoAberturaProjeto.projetoinicio}" class="input" required="true"
                                onkeypress="return numbers(event);"></input>
                            <p class="hint">[Código do Projeto.]</p></td>
  • Like this field : projecting in your bean Managed?

  • I’m working with JSP! @Onetoone @Joincolumn(name="projector", nullable = false) Private design design = new Design();

  • Currently you’re showing the full object in the field value, now you need to specify some cmapo of the Projector object to be shown inside.

  • Got it! The problem is in specifying this object field in value="${thermoAbertureProject.projectionicio}" the foreign key in JSP. I’ve tried it in a lot of ways and it’s going wrong. You know how?

  • Is this termProject an object? Or an attribute of something that populates jsp.. .

  • termoAberturaProject is an Object. When I try to recover the field give this error: Caused by: javax.el.Propertynotfoundexception: Property 'Code' not found on type

  • It says that your Projective object does not have the Code field. At the time of returning the object you are filling it? What fields does this object have..

  • You generated the getters and setters of the 'code' field'?

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