How to compare the password via a Wordlist


Viewed 49 times


How can I implement in the code so that the password is compared through a Wordlist in . txt? And print the password that is matched. In the Example below the password is hello world.

$hash = '$2a$08$Cf1f11ePArKlBJomM0F6a.EyvTNh6W2huyQi5UZst5qsHVyi3w5x.';
if (password_verify('ola mundo', $hash)) {
echo 'A senha está correta';
} else {
echo 'Senha incorreta';

  • What is to be compared? You have a list and want to use passoword_verify on it? Or you want to check if olha mundo is on a list, to identify weak passwords for example.

  • i have a txt list, I want to use password_verify to identify weak passwords as if it were a bruteforce

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