Generate sql from a js return


Viewed 40 times


Good morning, stack overflow. It’s been a while since I’ve been hammering to look for a solution to a problem that came up, that nothing comes to mind.

I have a form, where this form will make a filter in the js datatable. This datatable I use it serverside, so I need sql querys. So far so good, the problem starts with the return I get in php.

It is a return that can vary according to what I have in the form. There begins my problem, that varying return.

You can get it like this in php: Desistência de Cadastro,Carta Negada,Carta Cancelada,,,,

How can you arrive that way too.

Cadastro Iniciado,Aguardando aprovação de cadastro,Cadastro Aprovado,Carta Solicitada,Desistência de Cadastro,Carta Negada,Carta Cancelada,,,MS,MG,PA,PB,PR,PE,PI,RJ,RN,RS,RO,RR,SC,SP, The question is: how to generate an sql from these values.

The query will look like this:

   SELECT id_parceiro, nome_empresa, cidade, estado, status_atual, ultima_data, data_anterior, status_anterior, dias_entre_status
        FROM  report_partner_view WHERE ativo = 1
        AND (status_atual = 'Cadastro Iniciado' OR status_atual = 'Carta Negada')
        ORDER BY  id_parceiro
        LIMIT 0, 10

Being this AND, OR, by state, status, being formed by the return shown above.

Thanks in advance.

  • the return of the status is always 1 of those quoted right ?

  • Yes... are always these: Registration Started, Awaiting registration approval, Registration Approved, Letter Requested, Registration Withdrawal, Letter Denied, Letter Cancelled

  • then with your problem is with the return of status you need to make a select based on it and the state is this ?

  • Yes, in fact, all that can come, are the states, these status, 2 dates and a city field... I will have to assemble a select based on them

  • I imagine if I compare it one by one, whether it’s gambiarra, there’s a way to do it dynamically?

  • I couldn’t quite understand your difficulty, but that wouldn’t solve it ? status_current = '. $return . ' OR state= '. $return .'

  • I’ll start a chat

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1 answer


PHP can look like this:

$filtro = "Cadastro Iniciado,Aguardando aprovação de cadastro,Cadastro Aprovado,Carta Solicitada,Desistência de Cadastro,Carta Negada,Carta Cancelada,,,MS,MG,PA,PB,PR,PE,PI,RJ,RN,RS,RO,RR,SC,SP,"

$status = explode(',', $filtro);
$status_where = [];
foreach($status as $s) {
   $status_where[] = "'{$s}'";
$status_where = implode(',', $status_where);

This will generate an array of items ['Cadastro Iniciado','Aguardando aprovação de cadastro','MS']

And with this array mount your query using a IN

SELECT .. FROM report_partner_view WHERE ativo = 1 AND status_atual IN ($status)
  • ai que tá @Marcos, the "MS" in this case is not a status but a state.

  • @gabrielfalieri One thing you can do is consider that the positions of this array will always be the same and build your query based on this.

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