Problems with Youtube Api code - Class import


Viewed 33 times


Good night!

I’m trying to do a search using the youtube API, but I’m having difficulties regarding a class : ";". I am not finding it on the internet. I ask for help in finding this class for import or a way around the problem.

  • Have you downloaded the lib from here?

  • Good afternoon, I already downloaded yes. But it is the only one that does not find.

  • I’m struggling with this snippet: youtube = new Youtube.Builder(Auth.HTTP_TRANSPORT,Auth.JSON_FACTORY, new Httprequestinitializer() { @Override public void initialize(Httprequest request) throws Ioexception { } }). setApplicationName("youtube-cmdline-geolocationsearch-sample"). build();

1 answer


(very) old question, but for record purposes, it needs this import as well:

  • downvote without comment does not help at all, there should be downvote downvote

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