Function that returns more than one variable in c


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I need to do a function that takes 3 floats and returns the average, the largest number among the 3 and the difference between the average and the largest. I tried to make the return by a pointer but one of the variables is not returned correctly and I can not find explanations on google, nor alternative ways to solve my problem. I know there must be other ways to do this program, but in the statement I have some restrictions: I cannot use global variables, including struct, the function parameters should be only 3 floats. What I wanted to know is what’s wrong in this program, why isn’t it working? Whether it’s about using the pointer or the logic is flawed...

//a comparação de valores não está correta
//o valor de mmd[1] não está sendo retornada corretamente

float *func_mmd(float a, float b, float c)//func_media_maior_diferenca
    float mmd[3];


    if(a>b || a>c)//comparação maior numero
        if(b>c || b>a)
            if(a==b && a==c && b==c)


    printf("%f",mmd[1]);//este printf é só pra eu saber o que está sendo armazenada na variavel que calcula  o maior numero
    return (mmd);

int main()
    float a,b,c,*mmd;


    printf("\nA media eh:%f",mmd[0]);
    printf("\nO maior valor eh: %f",mmd[1]);
    printf("\nA diferenca entre a media e o maior numero eh: %f",mmd[2]);

    return 0;
  • The problem is that you are returning the pointer of an automatic variable (float mmd[3]) that ceases to exist as soon as the function func_mmd() returns. A simple solution is to declare mmd in the main() function and pass it as a float mmd[] parameter, so it is guaranteed that the mmd memory area will exist throughout the execution of the program.

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