How to concatenate variable with formula in Excel?


Viewed 4,369 times


It is correct that I concatenate a variable to an Excel formula?

Excel complains at concatenation closure:

Dim variavel As Double
variavel = InputBox("Digite Valor da Tarifa caso nao souber Digite 0,35")               
MsgBox ("Valor sem desconto: " & variavel)
Range("Z2:Z" & Range("I1048576").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]&IF(RC[-2]< " &variavel& ,""M"",""O"")"  
  • I tried to format your code, but I have no idea if it’s right. You can click [Edit] and format it.

1 answer


Marcio, good afternoon!

In my view it is possible and this certain, because it is necessary according to its need of dynamism when building the formula. So follow my suggestion of how I believe it will work:


Dim variavel As Double

variavel = InputBox("Digite Valor da Tarifa caso não souber Digite 0,35")               

MsgBox ("Valor sem desconto: " & variavel)

Range("Z2:Z" & Range("I1048576").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]&IF(RC[-2]< " & variavel & ," & chr(34) & "M" & chr34) & "," & chr(34) & "O" & chr(34) & ")" 
  • Nice friend I’ll try

  • I played Result in a cell and made the calculation from the same q solved my problem

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