I made my first program and now I need to run it on the client. How do I?


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I made my first program and now I need to run it on the client. How do I?

I made my database with SQL Server Express 2016. My windows is 64 bits. I thought of installing the same bank in the client, but the system there is 32 bits.

Is there any way to pass the database file along with my program? No need to install SQL Server?

This is my connection string:

 private string StrCon = @"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=MartinezSis1.0;Data Source=LATITUDENOTE\SQLEXPRESS";
  • 7

    The question is confused, but perhaps it is duplicate: https://answall.com/q/80849/101

  • What technology did you use to develop?

  • I used the language c# . net

  • In my machine is running perfectly... Now I need to take this to the customer... This system will be in a machine only... Same local database. Very similar to the link you gave me

  • @Gilbertoliradacruz All right, you used C#. But is it ASP.NET? Windows Forms? WPF?

  • Is Windowsforms.............

  • @Gilbertoliradacruz - You need to install the complete database (structure + data) or only the database structure?

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1 answer


Gilberto, the database itself (i.e., the data) is architecture-independent (32 or 64 bits). But you will first have to install SQL Server Express 2016 32-bit on the client’s computer.

On your computer, you take the complete (full) backup of the database and then restore that backup on the client’s computer.

Then change the connection string, considering the new server characteristics.

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