View image from another site


Viewed 203 times


Good afternoon! , I am using a php code to display news from a site, it turns out that I am also trying to display the image that has in it, however, I am not getting, the title and date of posting I am able to display normal, however, that I can not

// Mostrar Data na Tela.
$titulo = array();
$data = array();
$link = array();
$quantos = 0;
$exibir = 1;
$limite_title = 100;

foreach(simplexml_load_file("")->channel->item as $item)
$imagem[] = $item->src;
$titulo[] = utf8_decode(substr($item->title, 0, $limite_title)."...");
$link[] = $item->link;
$data[] = utf8_decode($item->pubDate);

for($i = $quantos-($exibir+1); $i < $quantos-1; $i++)
<figure><img src="'.$imagem[$i].'"></figure>
<a href="'.$link[$i].'" target="_blank" title="Leia mais clicando aqui!">'.utf8_encode($titulo[$i]).'
<small style="font-size:11px;color:#999;"><br/></a>'.str_replace(" ", " as ", date('d/m/Y H:m:s', strtotime($data[$i]))).'</small>

What I did wrong ?

  • $item->src exists?

  • $image[] = $item->src;

  • Navigate to the Description node and get the img tag, then you assign $image[]

  • I don’t understand, can you explain ?

  • I put together a script and I don’t know if that’s what you want, see this link Of course it’s not HTML formatted.

  • I also developed one that brings everything. velja

  • Hello, Leo can forward me this script ? exactly the one I want the image

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1 answer


The problem is that the feed is using HTML along with <![CDATA[...]]>:

<description><![CDATA[<div><img style="margin-left: 5px; border-radius: 5px; float: right;" title="Foto: Rafael Luz/ MCidades" src="" alt="amupe interna" />O ministro das Cidades...</div>]]></description>

The CDATA is not considered "part of XML", or rather is like a text only and will not be processed unless you request, the way to do it would be by parsing the content of description also, so:

// Mostrar Data na Tela.
$titulo = array();
$data = array();
$link = array();
$quantos = 0;
$exibir = 1;
$limite_title = 100;

$items = simplexml_load_file("")->channel->item;

$doc = new DOMDocument;

foreach($items as $item) {
    $titulo[] = utf8_decode(substr($item->title, 0, $limite_title)."...");
    $link[] = $item->link;
    $data[] = utf8_decode($item->pubDate);

    //Converte o objeto para string
    $desc = (string) $item->description;

    //Faz o parse da string html para DOMElement
    if ($doc->loadHTML($desc)) {

        //Pega todas tags img
        $imgs = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');

        //Verifica se existe ao menos uma imagem
        if ($imgs->length) {

            //Salva a imagem no array
            $imagem[] = $imgs->item(0)->getAttribute('src');

            //para o loop atual evitando que chegue até o "$imagem[] = null;"

    //Se não houver description ou img então envia o valor como null
    $imagem[] = null;

//E no teu for pode fazer assim:

for ($i = $quantos-($exibir+1); $i < $quantos-1; $i++) {
    if($titulo[$i]!="") {
       echo '<li>';

       //Se a imagem existir a exibe, caso contrário não
       if ($imagem[$i] !== null) {
           echo '<figure><img src="'.$imagem[$i].'"></figure>';

        echo '<a href="'.$link[$i].'" target="_blank" title="Leia mais clicando aqui!">'.utf8_encode($titulo[$i]).'
        <small style="font-size:11px;color:#999;"><br/></a>'.str_replace(" ", " as ", date('d/m/Y H:m:s', strtotime($data[$i]))).'</small>

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