Good afternoon stack overflow.
I have the following situation. I need to calculate the amount of days a status takes to change. For example, the registration of my partner is with the status of "Registration Started", then passes to "Awaiting approval of registration", these facts occurred on 06/04/2017 and 10/04/2017 respectively. Let’s face it, that data took six days to change.
This sql below, already works perfectly
$selectDiasEntreStatus = "SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,MAX(prt_partner_historic_status._data_registro) +
INTERVAL TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, prt_partner_historic_status._data_registro, now()) YEAR ,now()) AS dias_entre_status
FROM prt_partner_historic_status WHERE id_partner = :id_partner";
$stmt = DB::prepare($selectDiasEntreStatus);
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $keys => $values) {
$this->diasStatus = $values->dias_entre_status;
When I comment the code and have the returned value printed, the printed value is 6 as I put in the explanation.
When I run the whole process, which is the code below, mysteriously the value Zera.
$updateDiasStatus = "UPDATE prt_partner_historic_status SET dias_entre_status = :dias_entre_status WHERE id_partner = :id_partner AND id_historic_status = :id_historic_status ";
$stmt = DB::prepare($updateDiasStatus);
$stmt->bindParam(":id_historic_status", $this->idHistoricStatus,PDO::PARAM_INT);
if (self::getInstance()->commit()) {
return true;
There is no apparent error.
The whole code of the piece
public function updateStatus($id){
$Exc = new ExceptionDatabase();
self::getInstance()->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$updateStatus = "UPDATE prt_partner SET id_status = :id_status WHERE id_partner = :id_partner";
$stmt = DB::prepare($updateStatus);
$inserirStatus = "INSERT INTO prt_partner_historic_status(id_historic_status,id_status,id_partner,nota)
VALUES(NULL ,:id_status,:id_partner,:nota);";
$stmt = DB::prepare($inserirStatus);
$stmt->bindParam(":id_status",$this->idStatus, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$this->idHistoricStatus = DB::getInstance()->lastInsertId();
if($this->idStatus == "3"){
$inserirHistoricoRegistro = "INSERT INTO prt_partner_historic_register(id_historic_register,id_partner,id_historic_status,uniqueid_portal_papercut,login_portal_papercut,senha_portal_papercut,_ativo)
$stmt = DB::prepare($inserirHistoricoRegistro);
$selectDiasEntreStatus = "SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,MAX(prt_partner_historic_status._data_registro) +
INTERVAL TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, prt_partner_historic_status._data_registro, now()) YEAR ,now()) AS dias_entre_status
FROM prt_partner_historic_status WHERE id_partner = :id_partner";
$stmt = DB::prepare($selectDiasEntreStatus);
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $keys => $values) {
$this->diasStatus = $values->dias_entre_status;
$updateDiasStatus = "UPDATE prt_partner_historic_status SET dias_entre_status = :dias_entre_status WHERE id_partner = :id_partner AND id_historic_status = :id_historic_status ";
$stmt = DB::prepare($updateDiasStatus);
$stmt->bindParam(":id_historic_status", $this->idHistoricStatus,PDO::PARAM_INT);
if (self::getInstance()->commit()) {
return true;
catch(PDOException $ex){
$dataRegistro = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$this->Caminho = explode("/", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$this->arquivo = $this->Caminho[count($this->Caminho)-1];
$this->arquivoLog = 'log/erros.txt';
$this->erro = $ex->getCode();
$this->mensagem = $ex->getMessage();
this update is inside the loop? Put the complete code to help you, this way it gets complicated.
– Jessika
No, it’s not inside the loop
– gabrielfalieri
@Jessika look if help haha
– gabrielfalieri
It helped yes, considering that I do not know the structure of your db, I will make some assumptions and hope to help you. Good as you are reading the results of select (with a foreach), you expect more than 1 result in the query, so the update should be within the loop. That way I’d leave the code like this:
– Jessika
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $keys => $values) {
 $updateDiasStatus = "UPDATE prt_partner_historic_status SET dias_entre_status = :dias_entre_status WHERE id_partner = :id_partner AND id_historic_status = :id_historic_status ";
 $stmt = DB::prepare($updateDiasStatus);
 $stmt->bindParam(":id_historic_status", $this->idHistoricStatus,PDO::PARAM_INT);
– Jessika
Well, I did that way too @Jessika but it didn’t work...
– gabrielfalieri
Let’s go continue this discussion in chat.
– gabrielfalieri