Configure Jenkins to build each commit?


Viewed 3,727 times


I have Jenkins installed correctly and building every 30 minutes, but I’d like to build every commit in the svn repository.

I tried to configure the option: Check the SCM periodically, but I was unsuccessful.

Someone knows how to do?

  • With what exactly did you not succeed? Gave some mistake?

  • No error and does not start generating release.

  • And how many commits have you made since you set up Hudson?

  • Can there be any difference? It’s been over 10 days running with build generation from time to time. And it’s been too many commits.

  • And I meant after that you changed to "Periodically consult the SCM". You’ve committed something since then?

  • Yes, several commits.

  • I don’t know if you tried anything or searched the OR in English. There’s that: If so, can someone translate the answer from there.

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Look at mine here:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I set to query the repository every 5 minutes.

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