How to recover the array of a post sent on Android to a php?


Viewed 185 times


Android code:

String caminho = "";
                HttpURLConnection conn = null;
                BufferedReader reader = null;
                    URL urlConection = new URL(caminho);
                    conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlConection.openConnection();

                    PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(conn.getOutputStream());
                    ps.printf("json", obj.toString());


Code Cakephp:

    public function login(){
    $this->layout = "ajax";

    $dados = json_decode($_REQUEST["json"], true); 
    $ra = $dados["RA"];
    $senha = $dados["Pass"];

    $usuario = array();
    $usuario = $this->User->find("first", ["conditions" => ["User.RA" => $ra, "User.password" => $senha ] ]);

    $retorno = 0;
    if($usuario != null || $usuario != ""){
        $retorno = 1;

    $data = [];

    $data = $usuario["User"];

    echo json_encode(array("dados" => $data));


How php returns the array:

{"dados":{"id":"1","status_id":"1","name":"Felipe ","RA":"12342017","email":"[email protected]","password":"123456","data_cancel":null}}
  • What is the question? I suggest that, in addition to the code, you add more details to your question by clicking edit.

  • Hello Wallace. I’m having problems in how to get this array sent by Json on android. The error on android is described as: <pre cannot be converted to Jasonarray. I just don’t understand why this occurs.

  • So, you’re not sending an array, you’re sending an object with an object inside. Here’s the problem, I suggest you take a look at JSON, to understand better.

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