How to change a comma, by a point, to a decimal number inside a string


Viewed 648 times


Here’s what I was trying to do:

String: ajskjnsjs, eeiisois, 10,98 oismsnsjh;

In this case I wanted to change only the comma of the number by a dot getting the rest of the string the same. I was using the command regexp_replace mysql.

Someone has an idea of a solution?

1 answer



Use the REGEX:


Use the function preg_replace of PHP:

preg_replace('/(?<=\d),+(?=\d)/', '.', $string);

Test it out here.


Requires support for ?.

Use the REGEX:


Use the function regexp_replace on Mariadb:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(coluna, '(?<=[0-9]),+(?=[0-9])', '.')

Alternative without ?:

Use the REGEX:


Use the function regexp_replace in Mariadb (maybe Mysql (UDF)):

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(coluna, '([0-9]),([0-9])', '\\1.\\2')
  • version PHP 100% functional. In version Mysql obeyed the following error: #1139 - Got error 'Repetition-Operator operand invalid' from regexp.

  • @Redfenix added another option, no use of ?. I don’t have Mysql, only Mariadb, it’s impossible to test.

  • 100% Working Thank you

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