Google Chart’s Line with While


Viewed 335 times


Good afternoon, I have the following appointment:

 DATE(o.data_fechamento) AS Data,
 u.nome   AS Pessoa,
 COUNT(*) AS Total
    ocorrencias AS o
        LEFT JOIN sistemas AS a ON a.sis_id = o.sistema
        LEFT JOIN localizacao AS l ON l.loc_id = o.local
        LEFT JOIN instituicao AS i ON i.inst_cod = o.instituicao
        LEFT JOIN usuarios AS u ON u.user_id = o.operador
        LEFT JOIN usuarios AS ua ON ua.user_id = o.aberto_por
        LEFT JOIN `status` AS s ON s.stat_id = o.status
        LEFT JOIN status_categ AS stc ON stc.stc_cod = s.stat_cat
        LEFT JOIN problemas AS p ON p.prob_id = o.problema
        LEFT JOIN sla_solucao AS sls ON sls.slas_cod = p.prob_sla
        LEFT JOIN prioridades AS pr ON pr.prior_cod = l.loc_prior
        LEFT JOIN sla_solucao AS slr ON slr.slas_cod = pr.prior_sla
        LEFT JOIN script_solution AS sol ON sol.script_cod = o.oco_script_sol
        LEFT JOIN prior_atend AS prioridade_atendimento ON prioridade_atendimento.pr_cod = o.oco_prior
          o.status IN (4)
          AND MONTH( o.data_fechamento) = MONTH(NOW())
          AND YEAR( o.data_fechamento) = YEAR(NOW())
          GROUP BY  DATE(o.data_fechamento),u.nome
          ORDER BY  o.data_fechamento ASC

It returns something like:

 Data       Pessoa  Total
2017-04-01  MARCOS  3
2017-04-01  PAULO   5
2017-04-02  MARCOS  7
2017-04-02  PAULO   3
2017-04-03  MARCOS  8
2017-04-03  PAULO   9
2017-04-04  MARCOS  4
2017-04-04  PAULO   10

I would like to apply it with the returns automatically in a while php showing the result as the example of the image I attached below in a google line Chart.

How could I be doing this process ?

Google - Online Chart

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Obs: I tried it this way, but the graph is coming out empty:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['line']});

    function ChamadosPorTec() {

      var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();

      <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($QueryChamadosDiarios)){ 

        $VarPessoa = $row['Pessoa'];
        $VarTotal  = $row['Total'];
        $VarDia    = $row['Data'];

      data.addColumn('number', 'DIA');
      data.addColumn('number', '<?php echo $VarPessoa;?>');

        [ <?php echo $VarDia;?>,<?php echo $VarTotal;?>]

        <?php } ?>  

      var options = {
        chart: {
          title: 'CHAMADOS POR TECNICO',
          subtitle: 'MÊS: <?php echo $mes_extenso["$mes"];?>'
        width: 900,
        height: 500

      var chart = new google.charts.Line(document.getElementById('ChamadosPorTec'));

      chart.draw(data, options);

<div class="panel panel-default">
  <div class="panel-body">

<div id="ChamadosPorTec" style="width: 900px; height: 500px"></div>

  • What’s in your variable $QueryChamadosDiarios?

  • The query is at the beginning of the question and the result is also: 2017-04-01 MARK 3

  • Have you tried using google.visualization.arrayToDataTable in place of google.visualization.DataTable?

  • Yeah, I didn’t either :(

  • When you use google.visualization.arrayToDataTable the mounting of the data is a little different. Look at this example. If it helps you I detain the answer

  • I took a look yes, I think it can work, could detail please ?

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1 answer


When I go to create charts with data registered in the bank, I like to use google.visualization.arrayToDataTable. I build the data in the Controller and pass to the View only what I need.

In Controller, I create a function to assemble this data:

public static List<object[]> Grafico(ICollection<ValoresInvestimento> lista)
    List<object[]> data = new List<object[]>();

    data.Add(new[] { "Label", "Líquido", "Bruto"});

    foreach (var valores in lista)
        data.Add(new object[] { valores.Mes.ToString1800("MMM/yy"), valores.ValorLiquido, valores.ValorBruto });
    return data;

Inside the list I pass as parameter is the query with the search. The return of data is a array of array:

Array [ Array[3], Array[3], Array[3] ]

Within each Array[3] we have the following structure:

0: Array[3]
0: "Label"
1: "Liquido"
2: "Bruto"

1: Array[3]
0: "jan/17"
1: "208480.03"
2: "260600.04"

2: Array[3]
0: "fev/17"
1: "777708"
2: "972135"

In View, I call to fetch the data and draw the graph:

    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    url: '@Url.Action("BuscaRelatorio", "RelatorioInvestimento")',
        contentType: 'application/json',
        dataType: "json",
        data: JSON.stringify({ grid: grid }),
        success: function (data)

The function BuscaRelatorio, which is passed in ajax, has the following return:

return Json(new RetornoAjax
    Retorno = new
        Grafico = Grafico(lista)

Within that return, I call the function Grafico to draw:

function Grafico(data) {

    var dadosGrafico = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(data);

    var options = {                
            legend: { position: 'right', textStyle: { color: 'black' }, fontSize: 12 },
            width: "100%",
            height: 400,                
            vAxis: {
                title: "Valor",
                titleTextStyle: {
                    color: '#000',
                    bold: true,
                    italic: false
            chartArea: {
                height: "80%",
            hAxis: {
                title: "Meses",
                 titleTextStyle: {
                     color: '#000',
                     bold: true,
                     italic: false
                 textStyle: { color: 'black' }
            fontSize: 11,                

    var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('grafico'));
    chart.draw(dadosGrafico, options);

    function resizeCharts() {
        // redraw charts, dashboards, etc here
        chart.draw(dadosGrafico, options);


There are other ways to make this graph, I prefer to bring the Controller’s ready chart. I hope this C# code helps you understand the structure, so you can do it in PHP.

  • 1

    I’ll test it and get back to you. Thank you

  • 2

    Hey, Tais, what’s up? So, his code is in PHP, due to this I think it would be interesting to show at least the structure of the data returned by the Controller, for those who read the answer in the future can better understand what was done.

  • @Randrade, good suggestion, added the structure =)

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