PHP: Facebook lets me post to my feed but other users can’t get to theirs


Viewed 66 times


I am creating a system of posts on facebook. I created an application and put as public. Through the application I ask for the following permissions:

  • publish_actions
  • manage_pages
  • publish_pages
  • pages_show_list
  • public_profile
  • email
  • user_managed_groups
  • user_posts
  • user_likes

In the system I program to post to my feed. At the programmed time it posts correctly. The problem occurs with other users.

Other users do the same process but do not publish and the error:

(#200) The user hasn’t authorized the application to perform this action.

I use the User Token to post, but only mine, I own the application works. When they click the button to log in with facebook, it seems to me that the permissions you ask for users is less that you ask for me, I do not know the reason, but it is what it seems.

The function I use is more or less:

$post = $this->request('post', '/'. $id_page. '/feed', $params, $token);

$id_page = ID do Perfil
$params = Array que contem `message` com a mensagem do post
$token = token do usuário gerado

I’m using the SDK v.2.8

  • 1

    I believe that I still need to authorize the application, check if it is in development mode, I had a similar problem, only I was able to run the login, when I tested it worked, when others tested it not, why I had missed allow for all and not only for testers

  • @Marceloboni I’ve already released to the public, but it still doesn’t work for them. I was looking at the "Review" menu and I think I need to ask facebook to release the permissions I need. That’s it ?

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