Fix value still inside the View


Viewed 57 times


I would like to know how I can change the value of @Model still in the view, before sending to the server and which the best way to do this?



       var model = (Pessoa)Model

       bool isAtivo = pessoa.IsAtivo

   @Html.TextBox("Ativo", @isAtivo, new{...})



And if my item is a string as it should be done?

Example 2:


       var model = (Pessoa)Model

       string nome = pessoa.Nome

   @Html.TextBox("Ativo", @nome, new{...})


  • What is the purpose of this?

  • The example shown is only demonstrative.. because I actually have an object list where I want to change the (bool)status of the objects on my list without requesting the server for each change...

  • Ah, so come on. You have a list of objects on @Model. You want to change the status of some of her items. It is only on screen or the change has to reflect immediately on server?

  • First I want to modify everything on screen and then is forwarding my ready list to the server;

1 answer


Using the good old <form>:

@Html.BeginForm() { ... }

As it is a collection of records, it is good to use the package Begincollectionitem. With it, each of these objects can be represented by a part of your form.

Suppose your model is a collection or enumeration of objects:

@model IEnumerable<Objeto>

You need to write a form for it and iterate the records in order to create all the fields. For example:

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    foreach (var objeto in Model)
        @Html.Partial("_PartialFormularioObjeto", objeto)

    <input type="submit" value="Enviar" />

To Partial, in turn, would have:

@model Objeto

@using (Html.BeginCollectionItem("Objetos"))
    // Coloque aqui os campos do objeto.

The Controller, in turn, would receive:

public ActionResult Enviar(IEnumerable<Objeto> Objetos)
{ ... }
  • I could not understand well how to change the value before going to the control?

  • If the status is a bool, you have to wear a @Html.CheckBoxFor() to represent it. Or a @Html.HiddenFor(), but I believe its intention is to show the information to the user.

  • But then it will change the bool value in Send() ?

  • If it’s like a form field, it can change. Remember I asked you what the point of this is? You haven’t talked yet.

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