What is the difference between the new JOIN operator and the previous ones?


Viewed 142 times


I was looking at some examples of SQL in Oracle, and I noticed that it is possible to do only JOIN.


    table1 T1
    JOIN table2 T2 ON T2.id = T1.id_table2


  • What is the difference of that operator?
  • What is the relationship with LEFT, RIGHT? Or he’s the same as one FULL?


Related question : What is the difference between INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN?

  • 3

    The JOIN is just an abbreviation of INNER JOIN

  • Nothing wrong with your question, just an observation: New JOIN operator? That I know of JOIN without complement is not so new, already exists to a bOOOm time :P

1 answer


What is the difference of that operator?

None. JOIN is exactly the same thing as INNER JOIN. It’s just syntax sugar.

In itself documentation of Inner Join of Oracle, it is possible to see that the word inner is in brackets indicating that it is optional.


TableExpression [ INNER ] JOIN TableExpression  
    ON booleanExpression |  
    USING clause  

What is the relationship with LEFT, RIGHT? Or it is the same as a FULL?

No relation to LEFT or RIGHT JOIN, neither with FULL/OUTER JOIN.

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