Pagination View return from Laravel/Paginate Array::make()


Viewed 1,408 times


When I create a pagination manually, it is giving error, it does not create in the view the amount of exact elements as I determine.

On my controller:

public function getIndex(){
    $fileClass = FileClass::with(['FileServico'])

    foreach($fileClass as $fileArr){
        foreach($fileArr['file_servico'] as $file){
            $f[] = $file;

    return View::make('home')
        ->with('fileClass',Paginator::make($f, count($f),2));

In the view I do the iteration normally to print the data and the data is printed, the pager is normally created at the bottom and does the exact count as I determine, however, the table that is created does not bring back the exact elements.

@foreach($fileClass as $f)
        <td>{{ $f['id_file'] }}</td>

And the pager is right, it usually appears:

    <section id="pagination">
        {{ $fileClass->links() }}

When printing the amount of elements per page it prints all the elements, below is presented the pager normally, but there is no pagination itself.

  • I solved my problem through this tutorial: might be useful.

1 answer


Query Builder I believe it is more practical:

 $resultado = DB::table('file_class')
    ->join('file_servico', '', '=', '') 

The $resultado already leaves paginated without problems just assign, to your View::make:

return View::make('home')
        ->with('fileClass', $resultado);

A good practice would be to do this in a class and just call the method:

class RepFileClass
    public function toListPaginate()
                ->join('file_servico', '', '=', '') 


  • But the second parameter is not total items??? If I make this change, it stops working, in the documentation it says that the amount per page is the third parameter, do you have any other recommendation? Thanks for the help.

  • Sorry I made a mistake... I’ll edit how your answer would be more or less ... there’s a better way but I’ll follow your way there!

  • @Ewertonmelo the way you’re doing this kind of wrong, like it’s going to be funny and I don’t think it’s cool, could it be done with Query Builder? if yes give me the name of the two tables that is a toothpick? or else Join in Eloquent also gives?

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