how to access non-standard javascript properties


Viewed 43 times


Hello, I do an xml request, and I get a tag called item, with some unconventional attributes

    dataType: 'text',
    url : "requests/playlist_jstree.xml",
    success: function(retorno){
        parser = new DOMParser();
        xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(retorno,"text/xml");
        var lista=xmlDoc.getElementById("plid_2").getElementsByTagName("item");
    error: function(e){


This plid_5 is inside plid_2, I could have accessed it as well:


But neither of the two can access this attribute called Uri, in fact the only attribute that works is id, the other attributes do not access, as I do to access the value of these attributes?

  • What gives console.log(retorno);?

  • Open the browser console and write js code directly there. You can even inspect the variable lista and see all its contents, methods and attributes.

  • JS is a language of Duck Typing, which means the language doesn’t care about strong signatures/content, everything will depend on how the object was built and fed

1 answer


If you refer to attributes represented in XML, you access them similarly as in the current class HTMLElement.

let elem = xmlDoc.getElementById `plid_5`

    elem.getAttribute `uri`

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