Dynamic creation of imageview


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How to create imageviews on android dynamically based on a result of a database search? For example, I have a product that will always have an image. But he might have one or two extra images. How I create an imageview if the result of the extra images is true?

  • How you plan to present the image to the user?

  • @Carlosbridi on sqlite I store a url with the image link and upload it with Picasso

  • You can use a "slider" scheme. This library: https://github.com/daimajia/AndroidImageSlider has an example very similar to yours, it also uses Picasso and stores the URL in Sqlite.

  • @Carlosbridi good example, I will use in something else I was wanting to do, but what I need now is to show one underneath the other, because I took the extra images of different tables, has another description, etc

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