Docker - An error occurred


Viewed 228 times


  • Have error log? Add if possible.

  • It tries to initialize and pops up the message box. I don’t know where to find the Docker error log.

1 answer


The problem is that Hyper-V is disabled or the Hypervisor agent is not running. Open Powershell as administrator and use:
1. To enable Hyper-V:
Dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All
2. To enable the Hypervisor:
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
After that restart Windows. If the problem persists your Hyper-V is corrupted, then go to the Control Panel -> Programs -> Windows Resources and uncheck all components belonging to Hyper-V. Hyper-V has as a requirement hardware virtualization, check if your computer has, positive case and continue not working possibly your BIOS is poorly configured, in this case configure the BIOS and enable this feature.

  • It worked! Thank you

  • 1

    Only complemented the response. The processor must support Second Level Address Translation (SLAT). Use the command systeminfo to verify this. If you do not have this support, it will not work.

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