Version identification in Web projects


Viewed 101 times


Working with Webservices on several glassfish servers, and currently the version identification is done in the file . War, example:

test-1.0. War

I wonder if this is the right way, or what would be the right way (web.xml and pom.xml) to identify a project on the glassfish server?

The doubt arose because I am using Jenkins to automate my deploy and in the deployment it removes the version of the file name . War getting like this:


  • I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand your question. Do you want to differentiate the project into versions so you can move up more than one version at the same time or just to identify it yourself? In the projects I worked on we inferred the version on pom.xml by tag <version>. The name of war we changed the tag <finalName> inside <build>, but we didn’t put the version.

  • For real identification purposes. I already put the version in the <version> tag in pom.xml, but the question is how to know the version via glassfish, because I don’t have access to pom.xml. I have several servers, on each server a version of the webservice. How to identify which version of the webservice is on a specific server, using the glassfish administrator panel?

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