How to create a copy of an element, through its property


Viewed 34 times


I want clone only images whose the attribute alt be "photo".


var str = document.getElementById('A');

var clone = str.cloneNode(true); 
<span id='A'>

<p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>

<p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>

<p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>

<p><img src="" alt="poster"/></p>

<p><img src="" alt="figura"/></p>



<span id='B'> &nbsp; </span>

What I did was:

var item = document.getElementById('A').getElementsByTagName('p');

    for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {

    var str = item[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].alt;


if(str == "foto") {
    var clone = str.cloneNode(true); 

For this to happen, I must check if it matches the condition if. But it’s not working yet as it should and the console shows no syntax errors.

1 answer


If you know exactly what the alt you want, you can use it in a CSS selector like this:


The whole code could be like this:

var fotos = document.querySelectorAll('[alt="foto"]');
var destino = document.getElementById('B');
for (var i = 0, l = fotos.length; i < l; i++) {
  var clone = fotos[i].parentElement.cloneNode(true);
#A {
  display: none; /* só para o exemplo */
<span id='A'>
  <p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="poster"/></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="figura"/></p>
<span id='B'></span>

Using your code, corrected, that would be:

var item = document.getElementById('A').getElementsByTagName('p');
var destino = document.getElementById('B');
for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
var img = item[i].querySelector('img');
  var str = img.alt;
  if (str == "foto") {
    var clone = img.cloneNode(true);
#A {
  display: none;
  /* só para o exemplo */
<span id='A'>
  <p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="foto" /></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="poster"/></p>
  <p><img src="" alt="figura"/></p>
<span id='B'></span>

You had some errors in your code, namely:

  • you were making .cloneNode of the string, not the element
  • you had the if out of the loop for, and it has to be inside

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